Weekly Update from Chancellor Jones (1/25 – 1/29)

We are reminding students to participate in essential activities only until Feb 8. For the first several weeks of the semester, students should limit their in-person interactions to only the most essential activities. The target date for lifting essential activities only is Monday, Feb. 8 but it could be sooner or later depending on what… Continue Reading

Massmail: Increased Precautions – Essential Activities Only Until Feb. 8

For the first several weeks, students should limit their in-person interactions to only the most essential activities: taking COVID-19 tests, attending class, purchasing groceries and food, going to work, engaging in individual outdoor activity, attending religious services and seeking medical attention. This also means that once you arrive on campus for the semester, you should… Continue Reading

Massmail: COVID-19 Testing Exemption Process

All students living on-campus or residing in Champaign, Urbana, or Savoy are required to test even if they are taking a fully online schedule. In addition, the university’s COVID-19 testing policy requires all students working on-campus, attending in-person classes, or participating in any on-campus activities to participate in the on-campus testing program. The university has… Continue Reading

Weekly Update from Chancellor Jones (1/11-1/15)

We are requiring students to receive two negative on-campus test results between Jan. 15-24. In order to participate in on-campus activities, it is required that all undergraduate and graduate students receive two negative on-campus test results, no sooner than three days apart between Jan. 15-24. For more information, please visit the Spring 2021 Return to Campus page…. Continue Reading

Weekly Update from Chancellor Jones (12/14 – 12/18)

We are celebrating one million on-campus COVID-19 tests. This week, the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign processed the one-millionth test of our unique saliva-based COVID-19 test since launching the program in July.  We are updating testing locations and hours. On-campus COVID-19 testing will be available throughout Winter Break. Please check the Testing Locations page or your… Continue Reading

COVID-19 milestone: Reaching one million tests this week

This week, the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign processed the one-millionth iteration of our unique saliva-based COVID-19 test since launching the program in July.  You can read some more detailed reflections on that milestone and the path that led us to it here. View the full message to students, faculty and staff.

Weekly Update from Chancellor Jones (12/7 – 12/11)

We are asking students to submit their positive off-campus COVID-19 test results. Undergraduate and graduate students who test positive for COVID-19 at an off-campus location over Winter Break should submit their positive off-campus COVID-19 test result through the MyMcKinley Portal. We are working with the NIH on an important COVID-19 research study, and you can… Continue Reading

New quarantine guidelines

The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign is changing quarantine policies for faculty, staff and students based on new guidance from the Champaign-Urbana Public Health District (CUPHD): Quarantine timeframe will now be seven days, with an exit test on day seven. Students, faculty and staff who Champaign-Urbana Public Health District determine to have been exposed to someone… Continue Reading

Weekly Update from Chancellor Jones (11/30 – 12/4)

We are announcing a new Staff Voluntary Retirement Program for eligible employees. The goal of the program is to provide an incentive opportunity and support our employees who may want to retire.   We are implementing new test tubes to speed on-campus COVID-19 test processing. Beginning this week, individuals will use a straw to deposit… Continue Reading