Weekly Update from Chancellor Jones (12/7 – 12/11)
We are asking students to submit their positive off-campus COVID-19 test results.
Undergraduate and graduate students who test positive for COVID-19 at an off-campus location over Winter Break should submit their positive off-campus COVID-19 test result through the MyMcKinley Portal.
We are working with the NIH on an important COVID-19 research study, and you can participate in it if you test positive.
Our researchers are conducting a study aimed at improving testing strategies to control the virus. If you test positive, you will be sent enrollment information via text. Participation is voluntary.
We are providing on-campus study spaces and exam locations.
The locations will be available through Dec. 18 for those who must be on campus.
We are encouraging you to help others maximize safety.
You can report safety concerns and non-compliance at go.illinois.edu/COVID19-report or by emailing conflictresolution@illinois.edu.
Thank you for your continued patience as we navigate COVID-19. Please feel free to direct questions to covid-19@illinois.edu.
Robert J. Jones