Weekly update from Chancellor Jones (March 12)

We are sharing revised COVID-19 testing requirements for graduate students. Graduate students who are not coming to campus are no longer required to test, with the exception of graduate students living in University Housing, including Orchard Downs, Ashton Woods and Goodwin-Green. All graduate students who are coming to campus for any reason must continue to… Continue Reading

Weekly Update from Chancellor Jones (Week of Feb. 1)

We are reminding students to participate in essential activities only until at least Feb 8. For the first several weeks of the semester, students should limit their in-person interactions to only the most essential activities. The target date for lifting essential activities only is Monday, Feb. 8 but it could be sooner or later depending… Continue Reading

Weekly Update from Chancellor Jones (1/18 – 1/22)

We are reminding students to participate in essential activities only until Feb 8. For the first several weeks of the semester, students should limit their in-person interactions to only the most essential activities. The target date for lifting essential activities only is Monday, Feb. 8 but it could be sooner or later depending on what… Continue Reading

Massmail: Increased Precautions – Essential Activities Only Until Feb. 8

For the first several weeks, students should limit their in-person interactions to only the most essential activities: taking COVID-19 tests, attending class, purchasing groceries and food, going to work, engaging in individual outdoor activity, attending religious services and seeking medical attention. This also means that once you arrive on campus for the semester, you should… Continue Reading

Weekly Update from Chancellor Jones (1/4 – 1/8)

We are requiring students to receive two negative on-campus test results between Jan. 15-24. In order to participate in on-campus activities, it is required that all students receive two negative on-campus test results, no sooner than three days apart between Jan. 15-24. For more information, please visit the Spring 2021 Return to Campus page. We are updating… Continue Reading

Massmail: Spaces to study or take an exam

If you must be on campus after Fall Break, the university is providing spaces for students who need a location to participate in an online class or to study. The locations below will be available from Nov. 30 to Dec. 18. Please see this website for full details about what days and times they will be… Continue Reading

Weekly Update from Chancellor Jones (11/9 – 11/13)

We are asking faculty, staff and graduate students to test twice a week. Faculty, staff and graduate students are asked to take additional safety precautions, including increased testing, working from home if possible, participating in essential activities only and limiting travel and gatherings. We are sharing Fall Break policies with students. If you are a… Continue Reading

Massmail: Thanksgiving and Fall Break Policies

Everyone needs to do their part to protect themselves and our community. The university is asking students to take precautions starting right now to minimize COVID-19 spread over the Thanksgiving holiday. Before Fall Break Do not have or attend parties. Parties spread COVID-19. The result is increased transmission, innocent people getting sick or hospitalized and the… Continue Reading