Weekly Update from Chancellor Jones (Week of April 26)
We are planning to allow a COVID-19 vaccination record verified by McKinley to replace testing for the Fall 2021 semester.
For the Fall 2021 semester, the university plans to use an individual’s verified proof of being fully vaccinated (defined as 14 days after final dose) to replace regular COVID-19 testing for compliance and building access. Individuals who do not submit vaccination records will continue to be required to participate in the COVID-19 on-campus testing program.
We are reminding students, faculty and staff to maintain their regular testing schedule and follow COVID-19 safety protocols.
Mandatory testing requirements are still in place for individuals who are fully vaccinated. Continue to check the testing locations page or your Safer Illinois app before testing at your usual location.
We are encouraging members of the community to be vaccinated if and when they are able to do so.
All University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign faculty, staff and students are now eligible for vaccine appointments. You can also use vaccinefinder.org to look for available appointments nearby. If possible, you are encouraged to return to the same location for your second dose. But if that is not possible, you will be able to get your second dose at any state mass vaccination site.
We are sharing updated summer camps guidance.
To ensure that our university camps are inclusive and welcoming for all campers throughout the state, we are not requiring proof of a negative PCR COVID-19 test for campers. We will still abide by all the state guidelines for camps, and we are confident we can maximize safety even with this shift in guidance.
We are working to with the NIH and Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center to understand COVID transmission.
Undergraduate and graduate students ages 18-26 who have not been vaccinated can enroll in a study to help understand the effectiveness of the Moderna vaccine in reducing the spread of COVID-19. If enrolled, you’ll be paid up to $997 and will receive the vaccine.
We are offering alternative COVID-19 testing for individuals observing Ramadan.
If you are fasting during Ramadan and concerned about producing a saliva sample for COVID-19 testing, you can request a nasal swab test. Faculty/staff should contact the Office for Access & Equity at 217-333-0885. Students should call McKinley Health Center at 217-244-5661. Please state that you are requesting the nasal swab test because you are fasting to observe Ramadan. The testing option will be available from April 12 – May 12.
I am very grateful for your continued efforts as we work to maximize the safety of our university community. Please feel free to direct questions to covid-19@illinois.edu.
Robert J. Jones