Weekly Update from Chancellor Jones (April 27 – May 1)
The COVID-19 pandemic has led to an academic year no one ever imagined. As we enter the end of the semester, I am thankful for your continued patience and innovation.
We have updated move-out information for University Housing residents.
University Housing residents who can safely do so are encouraged to return to campus to move out of residence halls.
We are extending academic deadlines for students.
In response to requests from our students and in consultation with the Academic Senate, we are extending some key deadlines for student course grading and credit decisions.
We have information for members of our community targeted by scams.
Several members of our international community have recently been targeted by scams. If you are concerned you may have been contacted by a scammer, we encourage you to report it to UIPD.
We are extending our cancellation of university-sponsored summer events through July 5.
With the recent extension of the state’s stay-at-home order and uncertainty about what restrictions on gatherings might remain in place after that order is lifted, we have made the decision to extend our cancellation of all university-sponsored summer events through July 5.
We are using Illinois innovation to contribute solutions to COVID-19.
A group of Carle Illinois students created an isolation pod that reduces patient contact while continuing patient care.
To view past updates, visit the Weekly Update archive. Please feel free to direct questions to covid-19@illinois.edu.
Robert J. Jones