Massmail: COVID-19 testing results and procedures

Chancellor Robert Jones sent a new massmail with information about COVID-19 testing results and procedures, specifically examining what students and employees should do when they receive a positive test result for COVID-19. The massmail is available online. The latest information about what students and employees need to do when they test positive can be found… Continue Reading

Massmails: Important Fall 2020 Update, Requirements and Expectations

Chancellor Robert Jones sent new massmail messages to faculty, staff and students with information for the Fall 2020 semester. Some of the topics covered in the messages include: On-Campus COVID-19 Testing Contact Tracing Quarantine & Isolation Fall 2020 Residence Instruction after November 20 Classroom Management Guide for Instructors Guidance for University Employees The faculty/staff massmail… Continue Reading

Massmail: Fall 2020 Class Schedule Change Details

The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign sent a new massmail to undergraduate and graduate students with details about class schedule changes for the Fall 2020 semester. The massmail is available online.

Final Report from Academic Affairs Task Force

The Academics Affairs Task Force has released the final version of its Fall 2020 Academic report. This is the final version of the draft report that was released on June 3. The final version of the report is available in the Academics Affairs Task Force Box Folder.

Modified on-campus instruction for Fall 2020 semester

Chancellor Robert Jones and Provost Andreas Cangellaris announced in a massmail that the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign will “resume on-campus instruction for the Fall 2020 semester in a manner modified to address the ongoing pandemic concerns. This semester will consist of a blend of in-person and remote instruction.” The massmail announcement is available online…. Continue Reading

COVID-19 Briefing Series: Academics

As part of the continuing COVID-19 Briefing Series, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign will host an online briefing on Tuesday, June 9 from noon to 1 p.m. CDT. Provost Andreas Cangellaris will be joined by Vice Provost for Academic Affairs Bill Bernhard and Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education Kevin Pitts. They will discuss the… Continue Reading

Massmail: Fall 2020 Instruction Report Draft

Provost Andreas Cangellaris sent a massmail with information about a draft report with analysis and recommendations about instruction in Fall 2020. The massmail is available online.