Modified on-campus instruction for Fall 2020 semester

Chancellor Robert Jones and Provost Andreas Cangellaris announced in a massmail that the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign will “resume on-campus instruction for the Fall 2020 semester in a manner modified to address the ongoing pandemic concerns. This semester will consist of a blend of in-person and remote instruction.”

The massmail announcement is available online.

An additional message was sent to students and is available online.

The university has also created a page with frequently asked questions specific to Fall 2020 instruction.

COVID-19 Briefing Series: University Life

The University of Illinois will host an COVID-19 Briefing about University Life on Wednesday, June 24 at 9:00 a.m. CDT. The briefing is the latest in the university’s COVID-19 Briefing Series.

Chancellor Robert Jones will be joined by Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Danita Brown Young and Vice Chancellor for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Sean Garrick. They will discuss a variety of different aspects of university life including housing, dining halls, student organizations and other parts of campus life.

You can watch the live-stream on Wednesday at 9:00 am at

And if you miss the Briefing, it will be archived on the Briefing Series page.

Weekly Update from Chancellor Jones (June 8 – June 12)

We are providing updates linked to our return to on-campus operations working teams.

The COVID-19 SHIELD: Target, Test, Tell briefing will take place from 11:00 a.m. to noon on Tuesday, June 16 via

Previous COVID-19 briefings are available to watch, including the Budget & Finance briefing and the Academics briefing.

We are encouraging everyone to take advantage of free COVID-19 testing.

Free testing is now available to everyone in our community.

We are using Illinois innovation to fight COVID-19.

Illinois researchers studied the effectiveness of common household fabrics for use in homemade masks.

Thank you for your continued patience as we navigate this pandemic. To view past updates, visit the Weekly Update archive. Please feel free to direct questions to


Robert J. Jones


COVID-19 Briefing Series: SHIELD – Target, Test, Tell

For the next presentation in the COVID-19 Briefing Series, Chancellor Robert Jones will be joined by two members of the SHIELD: Target, Test, Tell committee. This committee is charged with developing strategies on how the university plans to conduct COVID-19 testing and exposure notifications to maximize the safety of our university community.

The briefing will take place online from 11:00 am to noon, CDT on Tuesday, June 16.

Marty Burke, Associate Dean for Research at the Carle Illinois College of Medicine and Professor Bill Sullivan, Director of the Smart, Healthy Community Initiative will join the chancellor and provide the latest updates on the SHIELD committee’s work.

You can watch the live-stream on Tuesday

And if you miss the Briefing, it will be archived on the Briefing Series page.

COVID-19 Briefing Series: Academics

As part of the continuing COVID-19 Briefing Series, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign will host an online briefing on Tuesday, June 9 from noon to 1 p.m. CDT.

Provost Andreas Cangellaris will be joined by Vice Provost for Academic Affairs Bill Bernhard and Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education Kevin Pitts. They will discuss the recently released Fall 2020 Instruction Report Draft and other academic issues.

You can watch the live-stream on Tuesday at noon

And if you miss the Briefing, it will be archived on the Briefing Series page.

Weekly Update from Chancellor Jones (June 1 – June 5)

We are inviting students, faculty and staff to share their feedback.

As the university continues to navigate the impacts of COVID-19 and makes plans for returning to on-campus operations, we know it is important to ensure we are considering a range of perspectives. Please consider sharing your thoughts by filling out this survey.

We are sharing the Fall 2020 instruction report draft.

The COVID-19 Academic Affairs Team is sharing their analysis and recommendations for Fall 2020 instruction.

We are providing regular updates from our return to on-campus operations working teams.

The COVID-19 Briefing Series will address subject areas regarding return to on-campus operations. Watch the live stream on Tuesday, June 9 at noon via

We are providing additional information about the university’s budget and financial status. 

This message offers specific information, actions and strategies about how the university will navigate through the financial impacts of COVID-19. 

We are encouraging all university employees to take advantage of free COVID-19 testing.

Free testing is available for university employees and their families.

We are providing all employees with two fabric masks.

If you have not received yours, please contact your unit’s COVID-19 liaison.  If additional assistance is needed, please contact Brian Brauer at for further help.

Thank you for your continued patience as we navigate COVID-19. Please feel free to direct questions to


Robert J. Jones


COVID-19 Briefing Series: Budget and Finance

The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign will hold a live-streamed COVID-19 budget and finance briefing this Friday (June 5) at noon.

Chancellor Robert Jones will be joined by Provost Andreas Cangellaris and Associate Chancellor for Budget and Resource Planning Paul Ellinger. They will discuss the state’s preliminary budget framework and take a number of questions submitted by campus business directors and budget committees.

You can watch the live-stream Friday at noon

This will be the first in a regular COVID-19 Briefing Series of live updates linked to the university’s Return to On-Campus Operations Working Teams.

Massmail: Fall 2020 Instruction Report Draft

Provost Andreas Cangellaris sent a massmail with information about a draft report with analysis and recommendations about instruction in Fall 2020.

The massmail is available online.

Massmail: COVID-19 Briefing on University Budget and Financial Status

Chancellor Jones sent a new massmail with information about the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign’s budget and financial status.

The massmail is available online.